Friday, October 10, 2008


Two gems from today:

Apparently, one of the most famous stock exchanges in America is the "Wal-Mart Stock Exchange". You can really buy ANYTHING there, can't you?

I also learned today that "most Americans claim to have roots from Jermaine." (Germany). As in Jackson?? So, does that make Michael my uncle?

I have just a few minutes before I need to start packing. I'm heading to Aspen, my home away from home, this weekend. I know, I lead a rough life! Anyhow, I wanted to take a minute to share a couple of my favorite student quotes from the week. Enjoy...

"Immigrants should have the same rights as us. They are human beans too."
I am considering hooking this girl up with the creators of Veggie Tales. I really think she might be onto something.

"I will stop enter roping class so much."
This is the year-long goal of one of our 6th graders. Perhaps we should add SPELLING to the plan as well!

1 comment:

DEWS NEWS said...

You made me laugh out loud...however, I'm a scared to write on your blog...what if I spell or say something incorrectly??? What that be looking like???