Mont Royal in Montreal - The park's designer also designed Central Park
The top of Mont Royal with a view of the city
Drew would like for everyone to see his partially eaten cinnamon roll. Thanks, Drew. We're all better for it.
Drew...still celebrating his cinnamon roll.
Quebec City...
I love what my backpack does for my figure here...
Quebec City is the only fortified city north of Mexico. If you look closely, you can see the wall just below the castle.
Only 10% of the churches in Quebec are being used. Many have been turned into theaters, tourist attractions, destroyed and used for parking lots, etc...
Hanging out in the hotel
This is St. Anne's church. I learned that St. Anne is the mother of Mary. Our guide informed me that I would find this information in the Old Testament. I am still looking.
I didn't take a picture of it, but to the left is the actual forearm of St. Anne. Supposedly, it has healing powers. I'm guessing it didn't work for St. Anne.
In addition to having a good time, our primary purpose for traveling was to expose the students to another culture and to learn a few things about the French Canadian lifestyle. These are just some of the educational lessons I gleaned from my visit to Canada...
1. A french roll and a croissant can constitute a complete breakfast.
2. Texans probably shouldn't attempt to speak French.
3. Crepes are quite possibly the most versatile food EVER.
4. Life sized cutouts of Obama are available for purchase in Washington's Dulles airport.
5. Circus people are frightening in every country.
6. The possibility of rain on a weave is cause for distress.
7. Hotel reading lamps in Canada have the unique ability to jump off of walls and crash to the ground.
...and so much more. This was definitely a trip worth taking, and I am thankful to have experienced it with such a fun group of students.
poor ol' st. anne. I hope she and larry were happy together.
#6 ROTFL - middle schoolers?!
You are a bravy soul, glad you all had a good time!
I wondered where you guys went this year. Looks like fun. The cinnamon roll cracked me up because they DO get fixated on the weirdest thing... Have a great summer. Mel...
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