Monday, January 26, 2009

Editor's Response

I feel it is necessary for me to respond to Jeremy's comment on my most recent blog part because it was a piece of tabloid genius and also because it was almost entirely true. Let's take it a piece at a time...

"Crazy New Life Church Member" - Now, I could go for Crazy (COMMA) New Life Church Member. After all, I do choose to spend my days with middle school students. And, I did willingly leave the great Republic to live amongst a society of people who do not appreciate the importance of good queso or Whataburger ketchup. For these reasons, I could agree with "crazy". However, I do not think I qualify as a Crazy New Life Church Member until I arrive at church bearing streamers and a tambourine. And a bun.

"Abandons bi-racial family started in rural Africa"
- It's no big secret that Jeremy and I share an African child. Her name is Delvin, and she is an absolute doll. She gets the great smile from me, and if her hair was longer you would see that she gets it from Jeremy's side of the family. I won't go into the details of her adoption, but let's just say that World Hope thought it best that we send money instead of attempting to bring her into the dysfunction of American life. It could also have something to do with the fact that I am "crazy", and Jeremy has an obsession with chihuahua's that wear toupee's...but I'm going with the dysfunctional American story. That's just easier.


"To pursue the perfect pedicure" - I'll give you this one...except that my pursuit began long before I arrived in Africa.

"Leaves only soccer ball to neglected daughter" - This was hardly any soccer ball. It was an evange-soccer ball that brilliantly illustrated the Gospel message. One glance at my WWJD bracelet confirms to me that I hit it out of the park on this one. I really don't think further justification is necessary.

The Evange-Ball in action

Jeremy playing with the giraffes. Delvin was most likely at home playing with her soccer ball.

Big hug, Jeremy!


Unknown said...

Ya'll are too funny!

Unknown said...

well played. i like your thorough refuting of my exaggerated (slightly) statements.

didn't know you'd bust out photographic evidence. of course, i'm sure that soccer pic is doctored.

africans playing soccer?! shyeah, right.

Marla Taviano said...

Loved your comment on Melanie's blog. :)